Make It Perfect


To nap or not to nap…that is the big question of the day around here…

Miss Lil has reached that awkward stage where she can go without a day nap most of the time, but often ends up in a foul mood by the day or sometimes accidentally falls asleep on the couch like this.

Most days she will still have a sleep but means that she won’t go straight to sleep at night time. Oh, what to do?

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(and YAY! I finally figured out how to make my photos BIG in blogger. Thanks Chels for the advice…now I’ve just got to work out how to get my little grey birdies back next to the header! Anyone know how to do it??)

Now I really want to go through my blog and make my old pictures bigger too! Haha – now that would just be a waste of time…or would it?

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