Make It Perfect

Once again….across the sea…

I am having an urge to blog, its late Saturday night and I should go to bed…
We are in Melbourne again visiting with Jaron’s parents. We are so blessed to be able to see them so much – this is our third trip in 3 months! But will probably be the last one for awhile seeing as Jaron is back at uni now and we need to settle down into a more consistent routine.
So far we have really just been shopping – our favourite Melbourne activity! We save all of our shopping up for our trips here and only buy what we have to in Tassie. The variety is great and there are soooo many bargains. We always find plenty of great buys. The factory outlets are fantastic.
Oscar is having a wonderful time. It is so nice, he LOVES the space – this house is huge and he has so much to explore and discover. He is so tired every night and sleeps beautifully! Plus he has 5 extra adults at his beckon call and there is always someone to play with him or get him food or do whatever it is that he wants to do so badly – he loves the piano and playing on the computer (we don’t let him touch the computer at home, so this is heaven to him!) and he is a massive animal abuser – poor Buffy the cat gets a beating and hasn’t laid a paw on him yet.
Anyway, I have taken some photos and want to post them but will have to do that tomorrow when I get them off the camera…..
Thats all for now.

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