I knew that the silent baby was too good to be true! Tommy has finally woken up…his tiny, quiet cries have turned into a proper baby wail!! At only 2 1/2 weeks old he has already started to change so much. His face is filling out and he is really starting to try and focus on us and is making eye contact when he is awake. It took me awhile to get back into the newborn groove – I totally forgot that a tiny little baby really does make EVERYTHING take twice as long to get done. Getting everyone dressed and ready in the morning takes forever! Its kind of nice that it is winter and we are enjoying lots of inside time, although we have started to feel a bit house-bound the last few days. We are starting to form some sort of a loose routine which I am really enjoying. It is much easier to get things done when you have an idea of what time the next feed/sleep is going to be. We are getting a 6 hour stretch between feeds from around 7:30pm/8:30pm – 1:30am-2:30am, all other feeds are 3-hourly. Sometimes I wish he was doing the long stretch in the middle of the night so that I didn’t have to get up as often in the night time, but on the other hand it is really nice to have the evening to ourselves and get a bit of kid-free time.
Tommy is great during the day. He has a bit of awake time first thing in the morning, then pretty much sleeps all day long, just waking for feeds. We get the usual unsettled time in the evening (good old “Witching Hour!”) but other than that he is a dream during the day. Night times are the problem…they are very unpredictable. He feeds every 3 hours, which is fine but some nights he will settle straight back to sleep after his feeds and others he is really grizzly and upset. I have finally worked out that he is having trouble with wind. I haven’t had a windy baby before, Oscar and Lil would feed and burp and be happy. Tommy hardly ever burps and I think the build up of wind during the day catches up with him at night. We had these miracle drops for Oscar when he was a baby and they would make him burp instantly if he ever got an upset tummy. They don’t work so well for Tommy though so a lot of the night is spent with me keeping him upright and patting his back or rubbing his tummy hoping that he will settle down and get back to sleep quickly! Hopefully it is something that he will grow out of quickly and that it won’t get any worse than it is now.
The minkee-backed baby blankets I made before Tommy was born have been brilliant. Perfect to wrap him in snugly (he LOVES being wrapped really tight!) and nice and soft and warm. I made him a couple more for rotation because I love them so much…
Can’t remember who makes this fabric, but the funky chooks are cute!Carli bought me some Ikea fabric from Sydney (oh, how I wish we had an Ikea down here!) and I made this cool green hippo blanket from some of it. (For some reason Tommy is loving lying on the kitchen bench all wrapped up when he is awake! Must be trying to get away from the riff-raff down below!)