It rained all weekend, which was good for me because I desperately wanted to get started on a new quilt!
This was my weekend project.
You may recognise the fabrics as being the same as the new cushion covers I recently made for the loungeroom. The mis-matched eclectic mix of prints and colours are still making me smile, so much so that I decided a matching quilt would be fun!
I did have a think about perhaps using a more elaborate piecing design (like triangles…super elaborate on my behalf!) for the quilt, but didn’t have quite enough fabric to make the quilt a big snuggle under size so stuck with squares.

I love each of these fabrics so much that I’m happy to let the fabric shine rather than the focus be on the piecing design.
Jaron did ask me during my cutting and sewing marathon what “pattern” I was working on and when I told him I was making a quilt just for fun I could almost hear him think psycho woman to himself!!
Crafting gets a bit like that, don’t you think? Sometimes I actually do feel like a bit of a psycho, cutting up fabric and sewing it back together just for fun. And to prove it…my secret reason behind making this quilt is so that I have something to do (i.e. hand-quilting) when we sit down and watch a movie or something on TV!
So now, I’m waiting on backing fabric to arrive and then have to think about how I’m going to quilt it…Perle 8 cotton? What colour? What design? Any ideas??