Make It Perfect

.2 weeks tomorrow…and counting.

Today consisted of floor washing and scrubbing with a scourer. Then, half an hour later, Oscar was busting to go to the loo and left it too late and weed all over the toilet floor. So I had to wash it again.
Lil cried non-stop from 4pm-6pm. I was really losing it with her. Then I realised that all she had eaten since breakfast was a mandarin, 2 rice cakes, a few crackers and my left-over apple core. I forgot to feed her. She ate all of her dinner.
I was absolutely exhausted all afternoon. I didn’t want to get off the couch but I had to because there were dirty nappies to be changed, drink bottles of water tipped onto the tiles to make rivers (which ended up being deadly slip-hazards for Lil) to be soaked up, arguments to be sorted, washing to be folded, and dinner to be prepared (admittedly, dinner turned out to be baked bean and cheese toasted sandwiches).
I feel like a heffalump, I’m sick of all of my clothes, I cut my head out of all of these photos because I don’t like my puffy face.

Sorry if you came for an uplifting read…I’m keeping it real today.

(And now, hopefully, after having a good whinge I will stop feeling sorry for myself and tomorrow will be a better day.)

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