One of my favourite things about living by the beach is not having to pack bags full of stuff. It makes the visit much more pleasant and enjoyable when I haven’t spent the morning getting ready to go and know that we can run home in a couple of minutes if we need to!
Australia Day on Monday was one such occasion. We heard that some friends and family were spending the day there so we joined them for an afternoon of good company, beautiful sunshine and lots of running around for Oscar.
In true Australian style a game of beach cricket was played, how Aussie are the homemade driftwood wickets??Oscar was delighted when he saw the Corona kids. He loves them soooo much and had a great afternoon with them building sandcastles, playing with balls and running around crazy. The little ones thought it was hilarious when Jackson buried himself in sand and they could torture him! We were going to bring out the lipstick and paint his lips…
Cousin Emmy took Lil for a paddle. She didn’t even blink an eye at the cool water, honestly, I don’t think anything will phase this girl – lets hope she stays that way when she is a teenager!