The blog has been extremely neglected this week. I don’t think I have gone a week between posts before. A result of too much fun with Carli and the kids and too much pattern packing and sewing!!
I do have lots of fun and exciting to things I need to blog about so expect lots of little posts this week!
I missed Recipe Monday this week. I have been doing Recipe Monday for well over a year now and I think I am ready to slow it down a bit. I’ll still post recipes from time to time, but not necessarily once a week…just when I feel like it 🙂
Very fun stuff happening yesterday…I’m a bit of a fabric junkie so was very excited to attend the opening day of Selina and Laura’s new store “Fresh Fabric” (the website isn’t up and running yet, but thats the right link.) They have done a fantastic job, I haven’t been into a funkier fabric store in my life! Loads of cool designer fabrics and fun, bright colours. Fresh Fabric is a sister store to Picture Patchwork in Latrobe, focusing more on designer fabrics and patterns and giving people the inspiration to make more than just quilts with all of this delicious fabric around at the moment. Well worth a trip to Deloraine to have a sticky beak…and make some purchases!! I wish I had taken my camera to show you how very cool it is inside…will have to remember it for next time! For now, here is a taste of the fabric with my purchases…some spotty Heather Ross fabric for a new pattern design and “What’s your number” by Alexander Henry. I’m conjuring up some spunky ideas to make that into a single-bed size quilt for Lil.Another late night for me…I stayed up watching a bit of telly and folding 5 loads of washing. Not all from today, I usually only fold washing once a week when the pile gets so big that it is overflowing from its corner in the lounge room or when I find myself rummaging through it for clean clothes to wear because my cupboard is bare! I can’t watch TV without doing something with my hands, so I usually save it all up for some vegging out, watching time! Went to bed early again last night and I am so glad I did because Oscar came into our room at midnight with wet clothes and had to be changed and then wouldn’t go back to his own bed, so bunked in with us for the rest of the night. He had a high temp and took hours to go to sleep and was rambling about jellyfish licking his cheeks and sharks swimming around him. Weird stuff, I think he may have had a dream and couldn’t get it out of his head!! He hasn’t ever said anything about having a dream before and it is such a hard thing to try and explain…how do they get it??