Make It Perfect

.bunny ears and stealing work?.

Nana in New Zealand told us on Sunday that she posted a special easter parcel to the children and they would be receiving it sometime this week. They always look forward to Nana’s parcels filled with fun little toys, games and treats.

This morning Oscar announced that the parcel would arrive today and that when it did we had to take some photos to show Nana. I gently reminded him that the parcel would arrive soon, but probably not today.

Haha – you should have seen my surprise when we arrived home from playgroup at lunch time only to find the parcel sitting on the doorstep!

And look at Nana’s awesome creations…polar fleece bunny ear beanies for easter!!! SO CUTE! Lil loves hers so much that she wore it to bed and woke up with it still on (and a very sweaty head!) Thankyou Nana for the hats and other fun goodies in the parcel!

bunny ears

And on another note…thankyou for the Oishii compliments 🙂 I would LOVE to write up a tutorial to show you how I did it but I’m a bit worried if I go ahead and give instructions about how to make the whole thing that I might be ripping off the Etsyan whose work I was inspired by.

What do you reckon?

For myself, I am totally fine with people trying to reproduce my patterns using their own heads to come up with the design. I don’t expect someone to purchase a pattern if they are capable of working it out themselves. I would, however, find myself a bit ticked off if I came across a tutorial (or pattern to purchase) that someone had put together based on my work.

So, how about this friendly compromise…if there is enough interest, I will put together a tutorial showing how to make a lined, zipper pencil case but won’t give instructions showing how to do the patchworky bit on the front. I’m sure you are more than capable of working that part out yourself, and the good thing about these pencil cases is that they don’t have to be perfect!

Let me know if you are interested and I’ll start putting it together…

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