I feel like I haven’t blogged in ages. You know how you have days where you have lots on your “things to do” list and you feel like you can’t get ahead? For some reason that is how I have been feeling the last few days…and it is one of my LEAST favourite feelings ever! So I’ve got a couple of quiet-stay-at-home-do-nothing-much days coming up so I am going to make the most of them.
We took Eve and Chris to Wings Wildlife Park in Gunns Plains on their last day in Tasmania. We had never been before, but it turned out to be such a cool littlte wildlife park. And the surrounds were just breath-taking. After living in Tasmania most of my life I still marvel at the absolutely delightful scenes we are blessed with. This wildlife park is really one of those places that is in the middle of absolutely no where…Since then quite a few milestones have been reached around here…
**Our precious Lil (have I mentioned how absolutely delightful she is??) is rolling EVERYWHERE. She is so good and will even see something in the room that she wants and roll and wriggle her way over to it – her favourite things being trains, pieces of paper and anything little that she should not be touching, such as Oscar’s crackers (which she thought were very delicious!).
**On Saturday morning Oscar ASKED me if he could do a wee in the toilet. About a month ago we were having a go at toilet training and he was not happy about it at all so we decided to give it a break. All of a sudden he wants to go and is more than happy to sit on the toilet rather than sitting there crying while I hold him down! I am very excited about this toilet training business. Since Saturday we haven’t been able to give it another try as we have been out alot, but will have another go at it tomorrow and the next day, so fingers crossed it will go well.
**Since being away in Sydney, Lil has formed a dreadful habit of having a feed at 7pm before she goes to bed and then feeding during the night at 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am and 7am – aaaarrgh! A six month old does not need to feed that much – especially on with rolls like Lil! Because we were staying in other people’s houses she would wake up more being in unfamilar places and I didn’t want her to wake anyone up so would just feed her all night. She was terrible all last week aswell, so on Sunday night I decided it was time to get tough with her. Our house has two bedrooms that are down one end of the house and the master bedroom is way up the other end. When we moved in Jaron and I decided that we would sleep in one of the two bedrooms together and Oscar and Lil in the other so that we wouldn’t have to go so far to get to the kids if they woke in the middle of the night and keep the master bedroom as a guest room. It wasn’t working out with Lil and Oscar sleeping in the same room as she would wake him up in the night time so we moved her into the hallway outside our room! Since she has been waking up so much I can’t leave her to cry when she is so close to us and kept feeding her just making the problem worse so on Sunday night I moved her into the guest room. I had visions of a horrible night filled with lots of crying and me being strong and not giving in to feed her as we had many nights like that with Oscar. To my amazement she was soooo good and went to bed at 7:30pm. It is really hard to hear her from the other end of the house, which is probably a good thing as it gives her time to get herself back to sleep without me getting up straight away. She woke around 3am, but was laughing and cooing to herself, I went in to check her and felt sorry for her (hmmm…not very tough!) being awake and all alone in the middle of the night even though she was perfectly happy and ended up feeding her and bringing her into our bed because I missed her! Ha! So last night she did the same thing, but this time when she woke up at 3am I decided to just leave her and see what she would do and I ended up falling back to sleep. I woke up at 4:30am and she was quiet so went in to check her and she was fast asleep, then I didn’t hear from her again until 7:30am! I was so amazed and felt so sorry for her in the morning, but she was perfectly happy. I think sometimes as a mother it is best just to step back and let them do it themselves. It really helps to have a room so far away from our room so that I am less aware of what is going on. So, we are hoping that tonight she is just as good and stays that way. After she has settled down and is sleeping well consistently I will move her back into Oscar’s room as I really want them to share a room. Any sibling room sharing tips to share??