Lil wanted a strawberry cake so I made her a very pink cake (mixed a packet of strawberry jelly crystals into a butter cake) and swirled icing “roses” with a piping bag then Lil sprinkled hearts, pearls and coloured sugar over the top.

Lil wanted a strawberry cake so I made her a very pink cake (mixed a packet of strawberry jelly crystals into a butter cake) and swirled icing “roses” with a piping bag then Lil sprinkled hearts, pearls and coloured sugar over the top.
Making: dresses galore…for a couple of new patterns to be revealed very soon!
Cooking: a butterscotch self-saucing pudding for Sunday night dessert.
Drinking: Ecco. I don’t know what made me want it all of a sudden, but I remember my parents and grandparents drinking it all the time and I’m hooked!
Reading: The Fault in Our Stars. I finished this book in 3 days (fast for me!). It was so good. Easy to read, super sad. I was sobbing on the couch at 1am one night trying to get it finished! I don’t read much anymore, I love reading but don’t make time for it like I used to so it was a nice break to stick my nose in a book for a bit.
Wanting: a new camera lens. Has been on the “wish list” for a long time…still waiting…
Looking: foward to moving into our new house at the end of the year.
Playing: with my new overlocker. Seriously…the best sewing purchase I have ever made. Did I mention it threads itself and has automatic tension? It is AMAZING!!!
Deciding: on what knitting pattern to tackle next. I’m swaying towards a shawl.
Wishing: that I could spend less time at the computer and more time on things that I want to do.
Enjoying: Tangellos. One of favourite fruits.
Waiting: for the kids to go back to school so I can get back into routine and stop eating so many delicious and naughty treats!
Liking: that I washed the floors yesterday.
Wondering: what to sew next for myself out of my long list of selfish sewing projects. This pattern may win.
Loving: this photo with my Mum and sisters.
Pondering: my brain is too tired to ponder.
Considering: carpet and paint colours for the new house. Too hard to choose.
Watching: Thursday night Suits.
Hoping: that Harvey sleeps past 7am for the last morning of the school holidays tomorrow.
Marvelling: at the world we are blessed with.
Needing: to start exercising again.
Smelling: cold, crisp air outside – it’s going to be a frost tonight.
Wearing: my boots. Pretty much every day. My Winter accessory.
Following: one of my favourite inspirations on Instagram: @confettis
Noticing: little fingerprints – everywhere! How does such a small person leave a trail wherever he goes?
Knowing: that children grow up too fast.
Thinking: I need to go on a fabric-buying fast. My stash is out of control.
Feeling: the sun. A Winter’s day blessing when the sun comes out and the house gets hot without the heater and the kids can play outside.
Admiring: All of the lovely makes in my Make It Perfect Pattern Parade.
Sorting: through the giant pile of Lego on the sewing room floor. Oscar and I decided that it would be easier to find pieces if we sorted the Lego into colour groups…what was I thinking?! Like any project, once I’m committed I’m in for the long haul and find myself sorting little plastic blocks through out the day!
Buying: from online shops is addictive and dangerous! Especially when you live away from decent shops…particuarly bad after midnight when tiredness fogs your better judgement!
Getting: meal plans ready for the next two weeks.
Bookmarking: ideas for Lil’s “make your own jewellery” themed 7th birthday party. Like these cute invitations we made with a free download from here.
Disliking: sad news on the TV.
Opening: cookbooks. I haven’t used a real cookbook for a long time.
Giggling: at Tommy’s funny little conversations today. Like how his bran is really in his elbow and his stomach is in his head.
Feeling: sad because I stopped breastfeeding Harvey when I wasn’t ready. But he chipped his top tooth and it now has a really sharp edge that was so painful when he fed. Another chapter over.
Snacking: Saladas with butter. So good!
Coveting: the lovely Summery photos showing up from the other side of the world on my Instagram feed.
Wishing: for a cleaning fairy to come and scrub my house.
Helping: 5 people at the same time. Mums (and wives) are tricky like that!
Hearing: talking, laughter, playing, fighting from 4 little ones who have been on school holidays for just long enough…I think we are all ready for back to school routine on Tuesday!
A glimpse of my happenings Inspired by Meet Me At Mikes “Taking Stock” prompts.
Well here we are – 12 months! Bittersweet for Mama…I love little babies and would have many more if they stayed little forever – the real hard work starts when they are moving and talking and wanting. Harvey was such a lovely baby too, full of snuggles and smiles (the memories of constant spew and bad sleeping are quickly fading…) and now here he is, a big one year old.
A couple of weeks before Harvey’s birthday he mastered walking – he got it so quickly too, in the morning he started taking a few wobbly steps and by that evening he was toddling from one end of the house to the other. And he hasn’t stopped since. We call him The Destroyer.
In the last few weeks Harvey has destroyed more things than any of my other children have in their lifetime! A full bottle of Jaron’s aftershave smashed all over the bathroom floor, a remote control in the toilet, deodorant in the toilet, ceramic platter smashed, cake stand smashed, melamine bowls broken in half, massive container of rice tipped onto the kitchen floor multiple times…it goes on. And he always follows with a cute little “uh-oh” and I can’t help but smile.
We have a family chant where we sing “Harvey, Harvey, Harvey…” over and over again and Harvey will stop what he is doing, drop to his knees or all fours and rock back and forth like he is dancing. Now, he calls the shots and has started singing the chant to us until we join in then he starts clapping and dancing.
Harvey was born with big lips and I have always been expecting them to slim down as he get bigger, but they are still there and still as kissable as ever. And his chubby cheeks that get rounder and wider when he smiles. I love them.
Little boy, you are a pure delight. Thankyou for choosing our family and bringing us so much joy x
Check it out! We got a family portrait done!
My sister-in-law, Sam is amazingly talented. She can sketch and paint and draw and make practically anything you can imagine and she has a fun business creating custom portraits – Bret + Nancye Portraits.
Getting our family portrait done has been on my to-do list for a looong time, I’m glad it didn’t happen until now though because Harvey is just that little bit bigger now and looks so cute sitting up all straight!
We love it! The kids can’t stop looking at themselves and laughing a their cartoon-like faces. I think it depicts up each of us perfectly and is a fun change from the traditional family photo – and WAY easier than trying to get everyone to look good in the one shot!
I’m waiting for a frame for this one but have it stuck on the wall with some washi tape for now. I got mine printed quite big – 50cm x 60cm and asked Sam to coordinate the colours with another large print that I want to display nearby.
Here’s another portrait Sam drew of my sister and her little clan for Christmas last year:
I don’t know about you but I am always stuck for presents for our parents – Bret + Nancye portraits are an easy answer and they arrive in a digital format which means you can print them over and over again. Don’t you think they would make a great wedding or engagement present? I like the idea of using them for your annual family Christmas card too.
Visit Bret + Nancye Portraits for more information!!
The back wall of the house is slanted and the iron on the roof will wrap down the wall. The windows in this wall (bedrooms and bathroom) are going to be set back like little portholes in the wall.
The rumpus room has a sliding door opening onto a covered deck – the kids are really excited about being able to use this as extended play area…I’m thinking a couple of hanging chairs out there would be great – or maybe a swing?!
The back of the house. The entrance to the house is at the back, through the porch:
The end of the house – that’s my big bedroom window there!
This photo is taken from the furthest corner of the house and kind of shows how much land we have (to landscape – let’s not think about that yet!). We are on 1 acre and it seems like the perfect size land to have great space for the kids to run around on as well as room for some chooks, a vegie garden and orchard.
And here’s a look at the inside frame work. I love the repetition of lines:
No doubt I’ll be back with more as things keep progressing. If you want more regular updates though, keep checking Instagram – I find it so much easier to post day-to-day events there than on the blog now!