As per usual, I forgot to draw the Big Sprout winner – congrats Kristi!
And the winners of the Craft & Quilt Fair ticket giveaway…I’ll be seeing you at the end of the week!
I’ve sent each of you emails and look forward to hearing from you!
My desk…this is what work looks like. Finishing up the last bits and pieces of a new pattern to send out to my testers. It’s been a slow and steady process with lots of interruptions over the last few weeks but I’m happy to almost be there!
And while I plod along with the boring computer side of things, I keep looking to a MASSIVE rainbow of sensational knit fabrics sitting along side me. This is my motivation to get all of the computer stuff done – cutting into this rainbow and creating a whole array of beautiful garments. Yay!
The new pattern is using knit fabrics and is an absolute basic wardrobe staple. I guarantee that anyone with kids to sew for will get a lot of use out of it. The amazing fabrics on my desk are from Crafty Mamas (thanks Lisa!)
Super cool Hilco Campan stripes below…
And loads of my favourite Stella solids…
I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to visualise what solids are going to look like in real life from a colour swatch online…hopefully these pics will help give you an indication of the colours and I’ll be sure to list colour names next to finished samples when they are done!
I was shopping with the kids a few weeks ago during school holidays when I spotted an enchanting ceramic vase in our travels. I have been on the look out for unique items to decorate our home with…there are a few bare spots that I still need to fill but I want it to happen naturally, as I see bits and pieces that call out to me and slowly build a collection of beautiful things.
The vase…I fell in love. It is big, a little quirky and features the artwork of Rob Ryan – an extremely talented paper cutter and print maker. As much as I wanted to buy the vase then and there, it was a little pricey and I REALLY wanted it to come in red or green as I didn’t think that blue really went with anything in our house. So I ummed and aahed and decided to leave it for now.
After we got home I searched online for the vase and found it on sale at Lark (sale has finished now). I couldn’t help myself and popped it into my virtual shopping cart and made the purchase 🙂
It has been sitting in our lounge room for a few days and makes me smile every time I look at it. Sometimes a girl’s just gotta have a little splurge!
If you are not familiar with Rob Ryan, check out his website and some of his paper cuts below…most of these can be purchased on his Etsy store.