100% OF ALL DONATIONS GO TO THE QUEENSLAND FLOOD APPEAL. (To find out more about how this started, read here, here, here, here and here.) {If you weren’t lucky enough to win one of our fabulous auctions, try your luck on a few raffles!}
You know, I thought I would be breathing a big sigh of relief when the auctions and raffles are finished, but as we get closer to the end I’m feeling kind of sad. Not sad that I won’t have so much of my time filled up with this big fundraising organisation, but sad because I don’t want to forget about the disaster. Pain and tragedy fade to a distant memory for us, but for those who are living among the wreckage, they will be dealing with this day after day for a long time to come. I hope that we can continue to support these people for a long time. Whether it be through monetary donations, visiting their state to boost the economy, lending a hand if we can or a simple prayer or thought…every little bit helps.
There is just under 24 hours left to go and purchase those raffle tickets!! I went on my ticket spree this morning and am crossing my fingers that I might win something lovely, but if not, knowing that I have donated a little bit of money gives me satisfaction.
If your auction (or raffle) has ended and you haven’t already done so, please email us ASAP with your final amounts (to save us having to visit over 250 blogs) so that we can add up the totals ready to announce tomorrow evening.
Happy spending and enjoy the last showcase I have for you…
100% OF ALL DONATIONS GO TO THE QUEENSLAND FLOOD APPEAL. (To find out more about how this started, read here, here, here, here and here.) {Please note that this list will be updated with new auctions at 9am daily}
If you are not on the Master List – let us know. If your link is not correct – let us know. All auction submissions received from now on will be added to the Master List and the revised Master List will be re-posted at 9am each morning. Check back each morning for new submissions. It isn’t too late to add an auction – email for more information!
Wowee! What a whirlwind week it has been! I am really looking forward to the grand finale tomorrow night and hopefully seeing those auctions bids rise!
I’m sure that there are many people reading this and are starting to get a little anxious that you are not going to win anything in the auctions – I know I am! Never fear, we have a cool plan to help you out…
Auctions will be finishing at 9pm Monday night BUT we have asked all those who are holding RAFFLES to keep them open until midday on Wednesday. Cool plan? I think so! So if you don’t happen to win anything in an auction (or even if you do!) then why not spend your donation on some raffle tickets and make some entries? There are over 70 raffles being held and on Tuesday morning I’ll put up a Raffles Master List for you to look through.
Also, don’t forget to check out some of the auctions running over at the Authors for Queensland blog. There are tons of great writers who have joined together to auction off signed books, workshops, manuscript assessments, school visits and more.
We are getting closer to the end of the auctions. I have to say that I am getting VERY excited about hearing the final tally – you guys are awesome! What a great job we have done together.
Also exciting was an email from Anna-Maria Horner yesterday telling me that she would like to join us and host an auction on her blog! Check out her quilt (below or on her blog)…it is amazing. And while I would love to see it increase, I secretly hope that my lovely pattern distributor, Nel can take it home!
Now, if you haven’t heard about Corrie from Retro Mummy and her Quilt’s For Queensland project, you have got to hop on over to her blog now and have a read.
Corrie is undertaking the huge job of helping to sew and collect quilts to be sent to Queensland. As she says, “nothing says we care about you more than a handmade quilt.”
There are a few options if you want to get involved… 1. You can send Corrie 12 1/2″ square quilt blocks which will later be sewn together to make complete quilts. 2. You can send Corrie finished quilts you would like to donate to the cause. 3. You can help Corrie with supplies (backing, wadding, binding, etc.) to finish the quilts. 4. You can offer to sew up some of the 12 1/2″ blocks into complete quilts.
Read more abut Quilts for Queensland here and here. It is entirely up to you how much you wish to contribute, I’m sure that these quilts will end up in places they are needed and will help to brighten up the lives of those who have lost so much. Thanks Corrie for your initiative and enthusiasm!