A small change and information about payment of auctions or raffles…
We have suggested to auction holders that they modify the finish time of their auction to Monday at 9pm. We’re sure there are many people who have their eye on an auction or two who might be keen to make a last minute bid and not everyone wants to stay up until midnight! Please check individual auctions to confirm finish time.
A note about PAYMENT…if you are the winner of an auction or raffle, please make sure that all payments are made into the Premier’s Disaster Relief Fund. In order to have your winning goods posted to you, you will need to show proof of payment to the owner of the auction/raffle.
If you make your payment by Credit Card you will have an email sent to you. This email should then be forwarded to the owner of the auction/raffle so that they can verify receipt number (for raffle winners) and/or payment amount (for auction winners).
If your payment is made by internet bank deposit transfer, you can save a pdf file at the time of making the transfer.
In the worst case scenario (i.e. receipt email has been deleted or pdf of bank deposit has not been made) you can take a snapshot of your bank statement on their computer screen and crop the appropriate area so that it displays only the donation information. That way, you are still sending proof of payment, but not viewing sharing your whole bank statement.
Also, if you are paying extra to cover postage, please make sure that this is paid directly to the auction/raffle owner.
The week is certainly rolling by, but you still have plenty of time to bid on those auctions! While most auctions have reached extremely generous amounts or raffle entries, there are still plenty out there that need your love. Remember, the whole purpose of this project is to raise money for those who have been affected by the devastating floods in Queensland – winning an auction or a raffle is just a bonus!
You may, for example, come across a really cute skirt up for auction but not have a little girl yourself. Don’t let that stop you from placing a bid – I’m sure you have a niece or granddaughter or friend with a little girl who would love it for their next birthday or Christmas. Same goes for all of the auctions…if you don’t want to keep the prize for yourself, give it to a friend for their birthday!
Also, please don’t underestimate the value of a quilt. Until you have actually made one for yourself, you have no idea how many hours it takes to put together. Seriously, it takes me about 6 months to finish a quilt 😉 Not to mention the money involved, quilting is not a cheap craft (just don’t tell your husband that!) These women who are so lovingly donating quilts for auction have spent days and days painstakingly cutting, piecing, quilting and binding these beauties.
Back again! Making these Showcases is fun. I limit myself to ten pictures per showcase, but every time I make one I end up with about 30 and have to cut back. Way too many cool things out there to bid on!
Before I share today’s Showcase, would you like to know how much money we have raised so far? Sarah visited each of your auctions/raffles last night and discovered that in our combined effort, we have raised about $45,000!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! (And thanks Sarah for taking care of that tedious job!)
So if you thought your auction sitting at $30 wasn’t that much of a contribution, it really is, because we are all in this together and combined we are doing AMAZING things! While $45,000 is amazing, we have to keep in mind that today is only day #2 and we can raise heaps more than that! Let’s do everything we can to spread the word and get as many people visiting our auctions and raffles as possible.