Make It Perfect

.Find Me.

Oscar and Cade have this crazy game they play called Find Me. They run around the house yelling “find me, find me” as Cade hides in different places and Oscar tries to find him. When Oscar gets close, Cade jumps from behind his hiding spot and scares the life out of Oscar, followed by lots of laughing and jumping around! Kinda like a face-paced, crazy game of hide-and-seek.

Living across the road from Mum and Dad gives lots more opportunities for Find Me and we sometimes even find Oscar standing at the front gate yelling out to Cade to come and play!

Cade had his leavers dinner last night…he came over to show us his kit before hand. After going to church every Sunday he is tired of wearing the same old suit and tie…so he decided to spice things up a bit with a fluro top and a pair of fluro thongs.

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