Make It Perfect

.give us a break!.

Well folks, you know you are getting too old to pretend you’re a superstar basketball player when this happens…

(sorry about the dodge photo, snapped it quickly before he headed to work this morning…)

On Thursday night Jaron played (amateur) basketball with some boys from church and came home hopping through the front door with an ankle the size of a basketball. Lets just say I was not impressed. I had an antenatal appointment at the hospital the next morning, so we dropped Jaron off at the emergency doors, he hopped himself in. The kids and I went to my appointment, ran into Devonport and picked up a few groceries and then picked him up at the emergency doors again, this time sporting a half-cast and crutches.

BROKEN ANKLE. Not just sprained, but broken. It was too swollen to put a proper cast on so he has to go back this week when the swelling settles down to have that put on. Full recovery in about 6 weeks – baby due in about 6 weeks…talk about timing!

Oscar is enjoing playing with his crutches…usually they end up being a temple (pictured below) or a microphone. Oh, and Jaron can still manage to participate in household chores…I may not be the most sympathetic person around, but I assure you I didn’t ask him to start vacuuming, he did it all on his own accord!

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