I’ve been an absent blogger this week. Kids have been sick and grotty. Its been raining and I just haven’t felt like it!
I’ve been getting myself organised to have two new patterns released this month (and they are sooo cute!) and some other exciting Make It Perfect stuff happening…more about that later 🙂
Lil is big all of a sudden. She is acting more like a big girl now, not a baby. Making loud sounds when she wants to get your attention, she can stand up without holding onto anything and applauds herself and giggles every time she does it. I’m sure she will be walking by her birthday. Oscar has finally worked out how to say the “l” sound, he was saying “w” for “l” and now that he has got the hang of it he says all words with L’s in them so articulately, poking his tounge out for emphasis and we HAVE to look every time…”look at my tongue Mum, “LoLLypop!” He is still totally obsessed with puzzles and drawing. He is not really into imaginitive play, doesn’t play make believe with animals or toys much, but will sit and draw pictures all day long – and they look like what he is drawing too! He has learned how to write his name and traces around toys and objects around the house and then fills in the details after he has traced the outline. I think he will be a kid who really loves the structure and organisation of a school classroom.
Anyway, I didn’t plan this post to be talking about the kids and what they are up to…it just happened! I WAS planning on showing you some cool greens that I have been given or found lately…
How adorable are these cupcake pans? Last Saturday we happened to be in Ulverstone and came across a fairly new, very tasty deli. It was in a weird location, out the back of some shops in the middle of a carpark, but we stumbled across it and they have to-die-for selection of deli goodness. Yummy cafe eats and a funky section of homewares. I love green and just had to treat myself to these polka dot cupcake pans. Am thinking they would make for cute first birthday cakes…but its going to be hard to part with them…Some delicious green fabric goodness…
Some green scrapping embellishments – I haven’t scrapped forever and feel like getting back into it…
And a fun new green measuring tape. Marnie and Denver popped in for a quick visit on their way home from staying with her Mum this afternoon and she gave me a delightful birthday package, this green measuring tape being part of it. (Isn’t it so much fun to get birthday presents 4 months after your birthday!? hehe)