Make It Perfect

.hair cut.

I did it. It feels so good to have short hair again. I didn’t know why I was so unhappy with my long hair, as I had long, long hair for the first 24 years of my life and loved it! I really wanted to long hair, but couldn’t stand wearing it out because it was so thick and heavy. The hairdresser told me that when you are pregnant you don’t lose any hair (did you know that? I didn’t!) and then lots of people still don’t lose hair if they are breastfeeding – something to do with hormonal changes in the body. So, since I was pregnant with Oscar, I have pretty much been pregnant or breastfeeding for 4 1/2 years – which means 4 1/2 years of no hair falling out!

I would have liked to go lighter, but ended up just getting thin blonde foils because I know that in 6 weeks time I would be battling bad re-growth and don’t want to have to go to the hairdressers so often. I wish I could do some blonde dying at home, but am too scared I will stuff it up!

I’m not really happy with the cut either, it is kind of “bobbish” instead of styled, but the hairdresser said to pop back in a few days after I have had a play and she would change it if I want. Anyway, a change is always good and we will be saving a lot on shampoo and conditioner now!!

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