Make It Perfect

.I don’t need a cut, I just need a colour.

I would have to be one of the most clueless people around when it comes to hair. I would love tot be able to do cool, funky things with my hair, but quite frankly, I find the simple task of even using a hairdryer a challenge. In fact, I didn’t even own a hairdryer until a couple of years ago when Mum bought me one for christmas, and then it took me about 6 months to actually gain the confidence to get it out of the box and use it!

So my issue today is that I have bogan regrowth at the moment and desperately need to go to the hairdressers to get a colour, but I don’t really want to spend $100 at the moment to make the visit. I am contemplating doing a home job myself…but want to ask a bit of advice first before I go ahead and totally wreck it altogether! (And believe me, I have been known to totally wreck it before, I dyed my friend Kellie Hadley’s hair once a few years ago and it was the most terrible thing I have ever done in my life. She had to go to the hairdressers the next day to get it fixed. I’m surprised that she is still my friend!)

Is anyone out there more of a hair expert than I am…do I go ahead and colour it myself and if so, what dye do I use and how do I do it and what colour should I go?

Or do I not risk it and fork out the money to go to the hairdressers?

Or do I just stick with the regrowth and get over it altogether??

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