…but this place of restful slumber has been calling my name for the last week!We have been VERY spoiled with Aunty Carli and cousins staying at Gramma’s house down the road for the last 7 days. Lil goes to bed for her 2 hour nap every day at lunch time, Oscar has had a constant play-mate and has been very well entertained and amused and lucky me gets to snuggle down in bed and catch up on on sleep lost from the night before! They have just left to go home on the aeroplaine back to Sydney now and Oscar isn’t the only one who is crying! It has been fun to have them around to see Tommy during his first days of life and so nice that I haven’t had to feel like I need to take the kids out of the house (except to Mum’s) for entertainment yet.
Life with three children is going “so far, so good” – I can tell the older two are suffering a little bit though. More tantrums and breakdowns than usual, but nothing too bad yet. It must be difficult for older siblings (especially when they are both really young) to adjust to the new dynamics a baby brings. Less time for them with Mum and Dad. Learning to wait their turn while the baby is being fed, changed, bathed. I’m sure that in a couple of weeks everything will feel normal for them.
Tommy is a dream really. We had a few unsettled nights with him when I first came home from the hospital. My milk still wasn’t in and he was HUNGRY! We resorted to this:and it worked a treat. Oscar and Lil were both dummy babies (Lil still is!) We thought we might try and go dummy-less this time around, but he just wanted to suck and suck and I wasn’t up for it! I always have that momentary feeling of guilt as I stick the big plastic teat into their mouth, but once it starts providing us both relief I soon get over it!
Jaron went back to work this week, a sad moment for me. It was so nice to have my sidekick around all last week to pick up all the slack! He is my lifesaver! The working day goes for sooo long – especially in winter time when it is too cold to venture outside for long. We have been extremely blessed to have sisters at Church assigned to bring us a weeks worth of dinners though, it has made each day this week soo much easier – I think I am going to forget how to cook after not having to do it for so long!
For the first time in my breastfeeding days I have found it easy! We had the usual, expected pain in the beginning but it only lasted 1 week this time. We must be doing something right because Tommy is going 3-4 hours between feeds and is generally pretty settled. I know things can change quickly though so am making the most of it while it lasts!
I better go get the big kids showered. I’ve been writing this post in dribs and drabs all afternoon so you can blame baby brain if it doesn’ make sense…just wanted to record whats been going on in the mad house for posterity before I forget! Oh, and I have an inbox full of emails I need to reply to so don’t think I’m snobbing you if I haven’t said hello yet…I’ll get there soon!