There has been some hard yakka going on during Jaron’s holiday from work during the last week and a bit…his grand plan is to build a deck off the side of our house. I have to admit I doubted that he would be able to pull it off without any major problems in the beginning 😉 but he has done an AWESOME job! And he has built the whole thing all by himself. Who said architects don’t know anything about building?!
I haven’t posted pics of the house since the outside cladding has been on – here it is! Don’t mind the colour, it is ALL going to be painted. A few people have commented that our colour choice is “interesting” thinking that these are the colours we choose for the exterior! Hopefully the painters will start on that this week and I’ll be able to post some more photos then.The deck is going to be really big. I’m excited. It will be a great area for playing, eating, entertaining, etc. and easily visible from all of the living area windows.
The other thing I really like about it is the privacy it will give us from the street and side neighbours. The fence between our house and theirs is quite low and you can easily see into our living areas from their side. Jaron is building the deck so that it extends up the fence and also along the front side of the house – so that it will be a fence/wind breaker.
He is also building in bench seats around the two walls of the deck. This will be great as it will mean that we won’t need to fork out for an outdoor setting and there will be heaps of bench space for people to sit when we have visitors. (And lots of space to lie down with a few cushions and a good book on a sunny day!)
He has done heaps during his time off. All of the framework is finished and he has started putting the decking boards into place today. Hopefully it will be all done by the time we move in (only 4 or 5 weeks!!) as the rest of the yard won’t be finished and will be nice to have a clean area for the kids to happily play outside.
And I had to take this photo as proof that it is all level… 🙂