
.Knitting in progress.

I’ve got the knitting bug bad!  When I first decided to get knitting I didn’t know that it would consume so much of my time!  It’s definitley not a bad thing, because I am loving it, but I am well and truly addicted.

Now that I’ve had a chance to road test the MillaMia pattern and yarn, I am more smitten than I was before when I reviewed the book from MillaMia and yarn from Suzy Hausfrau.  They really are an absolute dream to work with and have knitted up beautifully.

I’ve almost finished the whole back of the Pernilla Dress and am about 1/3 of the way through the front.  I’ve been at it for just over 3 weeks now and am really pleased with my progress as I thought it would take me at least 6 months to get it done!!!

 It is very handy having Mum nearby to show me what to do when I get stuck (and unpick a few mistakes for me!). 

Hopefully the next time I blog about the dress it will be finished!  Just in time to keep Lilsy nice and warm this winter!

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