Make It Perfect

.Mega-Giveaway Winners!.

Its been a whirlwind week…our car has been in getting fixed after the wombat incident so we have been housebound for 4 days. I thought it was going to be boring week and had a long list of things to do during our “quiet time” but for some reason I seem to have been going around in circles and not really accomplishing much.

I meant to sort out the giveaway winners earlier today but it didn’t happen so tonight I took my list of entrant names in the car while I traveled to a church meeting with Ty and Mandi. Rather than using the computer generated random number picker, I got the Ty and Mandi to call out three numbers between 1 and 155 and the winners are…


SECOND PRIZE – Beccasaurus


Congratulations girls! If you can send me an email with your postal address then I’ll get your prizes in the mail asap!

(And for those of you who know that Lisa is my cousin…I PROMISE you this wasn’t rigged!! Her number was called out fair and square! And if you are a sewing friend or relative of Lisa’s, look out…you might be getting a Make It Perfect pattern for Christmas this year!!)

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