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.naming a baby: 1 week till d-day!.

How do you name a baby?

This naming a baby business is doing my head in! How do you do it? Naming a baby is such a big deal – you are responsible for giving this little person the title that they will be referred to for their whole life. If that isn’t difficult enough, getting both Mum and Dad to agree on one name is even harder! 

Oscar’s name just clicked one day, I don’t think we actually thought about it that much, it just popped into my head and we both liked it and it was done. I heard Lil’s name in a restaurant one day…one of the wait staff called out “Lil” to someone in the kitchen and I was sold! Tommy is a family name (after my Dad) and it’s completely fitting that we named him Tommy because he has SO many characteristics and similarities to Dad.

But this one…it’s so tricky.
I could name a zillion girls – girl’s names can be pretty and sweet and cute and quirky and tomboyish…but it seems that a boys name needs more thought and attention.
I’ve got a handful of names that I actually really like, but Jaron isn’t coming to the party with any of them!

Thanks to Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends I think we have agreed on one. (Really, I was lying in bed one night and picked up the Thomas book sitting on my bedside table and read them all out!)
But I’m not spilling the beans because you already know that we’re having a boy so I’ve got to surprise you with something, right?! You’ll find out soon enough…today is week 39, so I’m expecting to have this baby boy in about 2 weeks!


I’ve been consistently 6 days overdue with all of my babies, so am planning on it happening that way again this time…I’ll be in for a shock if this one decides to make an early appearance because I’ve got my schedule planned for the next 2 weeks and am still whittling away at my list of things to do before baby!

I did, however get myself a little bit organised today and finally made a start on the hospital bag. With Tommy, I didn’t start packing until I was actually in labour (I know, 6 days overdue…what was I thinking?!) and his labour was so fast that it was very rushed and a little bit stressful leaving it until the last minute!

We keep chatting about what this little one is going to look like…our other three have been totally different as babies. From completely different moulds so I wonder whether this one is going to have a different look altogether or take after one of the others?


Time will only tell!

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