Home & Family

.On easter Saturday.

The big kids had a sleepover at Grandma and Poppy’s last night – their first one all on their own.  They did great, and of course, had a wonderful time!  We slept in until 9:45am!!  Can you believe it?  That hasn’t happened since at least 5 1/2 years ago.  I was sure I was holding my phone upside down and it had to be 6:45am when I looked at it…and then Tommy didn’t wake up until 10:30am!  He has always been a good sleeper, but not that good.  Such a lovely way to start our Easter Saturday.

After picking the children up, we took them on a mystery tour (a fun family tradition that started when I was a child) and planned to visit Mural Fest in Sheffield, only to get there and realise that it doesn’t start until tomorrow, with next Saturday being the big ending!  We still enjoyed a play at the park and had lunch in a cafe on the way home.

This week has been full of easter crafts and stories.  This book has provided loads of entertainment.  Here are Oscar’s super cute egg animals…

And inspired by this craft, we made some easter egg collages too…

As usual, Easter Bunny visited our house this afternoon.  We could hear that he was coming, so quickly went and hid in Tommy’s bedroom.  Dad said that he almost caught him, but Easter Bunny was running way too fast!  I still think that our Easter Bunny is the best ever – coming on Saturday rather than Sunday morning.  Makes getting ready for church much easier!

We made some hot cross buns – this time using the recipe from the Thermomix cookbook.  They were delicious and we had them for dinner 😉

And I’m a bit late on the traditional easter PJs this year.  Luckily they come from me and not the bunny!  They are all cut out and ready to sew, so hopefully I’ll be sharing them next week!

What ever you are doing this Easter, hope you are having a lovely time spending it with people that you love and that you take a little moment of time to remember the sacrifice that our Savior made for us.

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