This is going to be a total bragging Mother post.
Oscar has always been into drawing. Many times a day he will fetch himself a pen from the bench and a wad of paper from the desk and settles himself down on the floor or at the table to draw. (Jaron brings scrap paper home from work because we go through so much with Oscar’s drawing sessions!)
Every time Oscar draws something I am completely amazed. He is so talented and puts so much thought and detail into everything he draws. Let me share…
1. This is Harvey. Trains are still the subject of most of Oscar’s drawings. He draws specific trains now though, putting the correct numbers on their bodies and drawing their different facial expressions. Harvey is a train with a crane – see the cool crane he drew?Have you ever seen the Disney movie, Chicken Little? It was on TV one Saturday night a few weeks ago and Oscar stayed up to watch it. We never spoke about it after watching it, and he hadn’t seen any pictures of the characters anywhere to remind him of it.
Two weeks later, look at what he started drawing:
2. The Chicken:3. The pig:
4. The goldfish.
When Jaron comes home from work I often have a stack of cool drawings to show him and we oooh and aaah over them! I am finding it hard to throw the really good ones away – any ideas on what to do with a pile of your kids drawings?