Make It Perfect

.Samples Sewing.

Yep, I’ve been at it again! The last few days have found me sewing more samples. This time for a shop in country NSW called “Two Friends.” Eileen (the owner) called me after seeing an advertisement in a magazine for my patterns and asked if she could order. I told her about the samples sewing service I offer and not long after our conversation I received fabric in the mail from her shop. She doesn’t have a website, so if you are ever in Leeton, NSW be sure to pop in for a visit!!

I must say it is a relief to have them finished and posted off today. The house is about 2/3 sorted and packed up and I am just left with the bits and pieces we are still needing to function in everyday life. Tuesday is moving day…pray for no rain for us, so far the forecast isn’t looking promising!

In the midst of all of this sewing, sorting, packing and getting myself ready for Melbourne I decided it was time to start reading a book! I have read and heard lots of people give “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer great reviews so set out and bought it today. There’s nothing like a bit of time out on the couch with a good book and I haven’t treated myself to that luxury for ages. I love it now that Lil is big enough to sit and play in the bath without me having to hover over her, and always use bath time as my pattern folding/stuffing half hour…but this afternoon it turned into book reading time!

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