My blog feels boring…but I don’t really have much to post. I have been slack with photo taking and we seem to have just been doing the same old usual stuff around here. I have found some very cool internet stuff though…so here’s a bit of a share::
So cool…this lady Allie will make your handwriting into a font for $5! She has a cute blog too, and lots of funky cool handwriting fonts to download for free. I think she is a member of my church too.I really like this cool train doona cover.
One day, when we have a house of our own, I would love to paint a mural like this on the kids bedroom wall. When we were growing up we had a HUGE whole wall size print of Bambi. It was very cool, I think it must have been a wallpaper mural.
Did you know that you can buy a stainless steel bar of soap to rub on your hands after you have finished cutting up onions, garlic or anything else that makes your hands smelly and the smell will instantly disappear? Well, I don’t have a bar of soap, but rub my hands on the sink or tap when I have finished and it works exactly the same way…try it, its awesome!
I really, really, really love cherry tomatoes at the moment…can’t get enough of them. They are like lollies. (photo from here.)
Lil says “da-da” in the sweetest little girly voice…and eats one whole weetbix for breakfast every morning!
I’ve got two sleeping babies, so I’m off to do some fun stuff now!!!