Make It Perfect

.She sleeps with flowers on her bed.

Lil exclaimed, “Mum! Nan’s asleep with flowers all over her bed!!” as Nan’s coffin was wheeled into the chapel ready for the funeral service.

It made me smile.

Nan was an avid gardener and I know that she would have been more than happy with the vibrant arrangement of pink flowers that adorned her coffin.

In January we lost our Pop and while we were happy that he had moved onto bigger and better things we all felt sad for Nan. Sad that she had lost her companion of almost 67 years of marriage. Nan suffered a stroke a little over a year ago and hasn’t been able to walk or talk since. I felt so sad when I would see her…she was always such a chatter box and we knew she had so much that she wanted to say but couldn’t get out. Although Nan seemed to be in good health and spirits since Pop passed away, it is obvious that they weren’t meant to be apart for long and she quietly slipped away to be with him again last week. This year, I have had quite a few people comment that my family deals with death in such a positive way. Of course we are sad and will really miss our grandparents, but there is joy and hope in knowing that we will be together again and it is a wonderful to know that Nan and Pop are free from their physical ailments now.

Nan’s funeral service was just beautiful. Just as she would have wanted it, I’m sure. She had requested for all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to sing “I Am A Child Of God” during the service. It was a very emotional moment for us all, not only because we were remembering Nan but I also felt such power standing there with over 40 of my cousins and second-cousins who would not be here if it wasn’t for our heroic grandparents.

It started raining when we were at the grave site – Nan would have thought it perfect for the garden 🙂 She had planned her funeral a few years ago and asked that her five sons and son-in-law carry her coffin. I can only imagine how they must have felt, laying their Mother to rest and am so grateful for each of them and the wonderful example they are to me.

One of the things I really love about my family are the little children (and there are always a lot of them!) They were all so facinated with Nan’s grave and had a great time throwing roses and flower petals and talking about Nan sleeping in her bed 🙂

I love you Nan and until we meet again, will hold your memories close to my heart.

(Oh, and for the record…I think I may be the only person in the family who actually LIKED Nan’s orange jelly with grated carrot – served as a side with cold roast meat and boiled new potatoes!!!)

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