Why is it that when your camera is sitting there all ready to use you don’t feel like taking photos but the minute it is out of action all you want to do is snap, snap, snap?!!
The kids seem to be doing so many new, cute things and I can’t take photos of them.
I have been doing LOTS of sewing and I can’t take photos of my creations. (Carli…I have finished your cushions!)
The good news is that it looks like we can claim the camera accident on our house and contents insurance – horray! Jaron is dropping it into the insurance office today and we will find out what they can do for us within a week. It is WAY cheaper to get insurance to cover it than to fix or replace it ourselves and it won’t affect our premium. We’ve had insurance forever, we may aswell start using it!
So, until the camera returns, I’m just going to make a long list of things I need to take photos and blog about – then expect LOTS of blog posts!!
For now, here are some lovelies I have spied online lately to buy for kids…
A blackboard t-shirt (yes, you can write on the apple with chalk!) from Red Poppy:Heaps of fun, beautifully packaged kids kits for cooking, craft and exploration from Seedling:
This, I want REALLY BAD for the baby…a soft, cuddly, knitted baby cocoon from Simply Basic Designs. Does anyone know of a pattern you can buy to knit one up yourself?