Make It Perfect

still here…

I am not a fan of this waiting game!!! Although my actual due date isn’t for another 2 days, we are getting quite sick of second-guessing every little twinge and pain wondering if “its time”! I have been having contractions for about a week, sometimes they get quite regular and painful for a few hours and then just go away altogether. I wish they would either come and stay, or go away – especially in the early hours of the morning when they keep me awake for hours and then just disappear! I am trying to chill out a bit and just let nature take its course and enjoy having some quieter time while it is here! Have been doing lots of scrapbooking and cooking and napping while I have the chance.
Today Oscar is having a play at his second cousin, Oliver’s house for the morning. It is the first time that I have left him with anyone other than one of his Grandmothers, but he seemed quite happy when I left, choo-chooing trains around the train tracks! I am having a nice productive time at home cooking some dinners to freeze ready for when the baby is born and catching up on a few things.
So…these photos are me at (almost) 40 weeks pregnant…hopefully there won’t be time to take anymore!

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