Cooking, Thermomix

.Thermomix Cooking: Chocolate Weetbix Slice.

This slice is my favourite.  It tastes amazing with a great crunchy texture, is simple to make and lasts for awhile (if you don’t eat it first!) and I guess you could justify this slice as being healthy with all that weetbix, right?!  I used this recipe from Taste, but didn’t make as much icing and sprinkled with 100s and 1000s instead of rainbow choc chips.  A great slice for the lunchbox as it is nice and firm and the icing sets completely so it travels well.

Chocolate Weetbix Slice
170g weetbix
200g butter
30g cocoa
170g brown sugar
40g coconut
1 egg
Place weetbix in Thermo bowl.  Crush on speed 9 for 5 seconds.  Remove from bowl and set aside.
Place butter into Thermo bowl. Heat on 50 degrees, speed 1 for 2 minutes or until melted.
Add weetbix, cocoa, brown sugar, coconut and egg to bowl. Mix well on speed 4 for 30 seconds.
Press into a lined slice tin.  Bake in moderate oven for 15-20 minutes until firm to touch.
Cool and ice with chocolate icing.
To make chocolate icing:
Mix 2 cups icing sugar, 2 Tbs cooca, 1 Tbs soft butter and enough boiling water to give a smooth consistency.
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