I remember as a child that we always had a world globe sitting on top of our TV. It wasn’t just a decoration…the globe was pretty battered and worn. We would play games with it all the time – spin it as fast as we could and stop our fingers on a country. The last I remember, it was very faded, the paper was lifting and edges were torn. I’m thinking it was tossed away, but I wish we still had it. I’ve been thinking about that globe lately and how I want a globe in our home – one that can be played with so that the children have an opportunity to explore the world and see how countries and oceans make it up. Then I started spotting globes, maps and some great creations on Pinterest and I’m loving them – wouldn’t the world map make a great theme for decorating a boy’s bedroom?
.Things I’m Crushing…OUR WORLD.
What an amazing world we have!
(All image sources – and more world map images – can be found on my Globe Pinterest Board.)