Make It Perfect

.Tops for Tommy.

This seems to be a usual, seasonal occurrence. The weather changes and kids need new clothes and I struggle to find tops that aren’t smothered in licensed character images or trashy slogans and pictures that are much to old for my small-fries.

So I go the el-cheapo option of buying plain tops for less than $5 each and dressing them up with a bit of applique. I particularly like this because the tops are so cheap that I don’t mind them being worn as play clothes but they don’t look daggy!

Once I’ve settled on a design (the part that takes the longest for me!) the actual applique only takes a very short time and I managed to make 3 for Tommy and 2 for Lil one evening this week.

Tommy is s..l..o..w..l..y starting to get more mobile. He has recently worked out how to pull himself to standing whilst holding onto furniture and thinks he is SO clever 🙂

P.S. I’m more than happy for you to use any of my applique ideas for your own personal use!

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