Before we left for Sydney I went on a little sewing frenzie and sewed up some skirts for Lil and I. For mine, I used Amy Butler’s Barcelona Skirt pattern. I made two for myself but haven’t taken photos of the other one yet. For Lil’s, I used a free pattern from Oliver + S. Both were quick and easy to sew up and resulted in some fresh, summery skirts for the two of us!Thanks for the congratulations on my last post. I do have to point out that I didn’t just find out I was pregnant at 13 weeks – if that were the case I would love it! I have known I am pregnant for about 5 or 6 weeks now because I have been feeling sick but didn’t want to go and see the doctor or take any tests for as long as possible. I didn’t want to turn up at the doctors and have him tell me I was only 4 weeks pregnant, a weird psychological thing, but I feel like if I don’t know FOR SURE for as long as possible then I won’t dwell as much on feeling sick and the whole thing will seem to go a lot faster for me! I was expecting him to tell me that I was around 7 or 8 weeks so was really surprised when he said 13! As Katherine pointed out in her comment, I am now into my second trimester and I haven’t even had time to dwell on the first!! I have an ultrasound booked in this afternoon so will find out some more definite dates then. As far as the sickness goes, third time around is waaaay better than the first two. With Oscar I was throwing up more than once a day, with Lil it was every day or two and this time not at all so far. I still feel pretty rotten from when I wake up until around 4pm and then I seem to get an energy burst and feel great until after dinner. (So if you are planning on a visit any time in the next few weeks, please make it after 4pm so you won’t see my trashed morning house!) I can pretty much control feeling sick with eating certain foods so that is a huge bonus. Problem is the certain foods are bad things like meat pies, sausage rolls, etc! Hopefully only a few weeks to go until the sickness stops altogether!
Make It Perfect