Home & Family

.Weekly Portraits #3.

Tommy: both of my boys have gone through a puzzle obsession, which lasts for a few years. I feel bad for Tommy being at home on his own all day, every day while the other two are at school. He does want my attention a lot, but he is slowly learning to entertain himself and puzzles have been the hot topic this week.

Oscar: this week, I decided it was time for Oscar to start taking some more responsiblity and learn a few “grown up” skills. So we started with cooking! Cupcakes from a packet mix, I helped him where he needed it, and he loved it. 

Lil: after losing her first tooth last Sunday, her second wobbly one came out two days later! Unfortunately the tooth fairy forgot to “change her tooth into money” the second time but miraculously managed to sneak into her bedroom while she was having breakfast – phew! Lil loves her little girl cousins and I can see her doting on them (and hopefully not teaching them too many bad tricks!) as they get a bit older and more interactive. 

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