Make It Perfect

.Glimpses of Christmas.

There’s a bit of Christmas Cheer in the Coward household…
For the last few years the tree has been a blue and silver colour theme.  It just didn’t go in the new house so we revamped and went red, lime green and silver.  Love it!
(and yes, the tree is a little sparce at the bottom.  We tend to have a good year and then a bad year with decorations…this year is a bad year with Tommy dismantling the tree!!)  I was going to make a tree skirt but ran out of steam so wrapped a bit of Michael Miller Ta Dot fabric around the bottom instead…tree skirt, next year!
The Willow Tree nativity is on display and as much as I tell the children it is not for touching, it is arranged in a different format every time I walk by!  It actually makes me laugh every time and they do tell me they are very careful when they do touch it…
When we were in Melbourne, Kate told me about a cute family tradition they have started at Christmas time.  I loved it and have instigated it with my own family.  We told the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus and then focused on the Three Wise Men and talked about how they bought gifts for baby Jesus.  Then we told the children that the best gift they could give Jesus on his birthday was to be kind and loving to each other.  Every time I catch them doing something kind or loving towards another family member, they get to put a “warm fuzzy” (pom pom) in the jar.  Then on Christmas Eve we will place the jar underneath the tree as a gift to Jesus.  The kids are loving it and trying extra hard to earn warm fuzzies!  Kate has written more about her tradition on her blog here.


I did, however, keep my blue and silver “Joy” letters and have popped them in the front entrance.  You might also notice a sneak peek of another very cool decoration for our house.  Will be back to share more about that with you soon – I love it!

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