Make It Perfect

.I did it!.

5 weeks later, I finally plucked up enough courage to take the plunge and colour my hair!

I decided to do it at home, but instead of picking a dye willy-nilly at the supermarket, I went to a hairdresser that was connected to a hair product shop and spoke to one of the hairdressers there about which home dye would be the best and got her to help me choose a colour which would work well on my hair. We went for a dark blonde semi-permanent, so I’m not sure how long it is going to last, but I wasn’t ready to go with a permanent straight away…just incase!

I am really happy with how it has blended the regrowth, you can still tell its there if you are really looking, but its no where near as noticeable as it was with the blonde.

Aunty Denise is visiting from Queensland, staying with Mum at the moment. She put the colour in for me and did a great job.

So, I am finally satisfied and no longer feel like I have gross hair when I go out in public!

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