Make It Perfect

.running in the rain…barefoot.

A Tassie Summer is a funny thing. After a week of lovely sunshine the clouds rolled over and today it began to rain. Happy because I love the rain, sad because today was Fil’s Girl’s Garden Party and it couldn’t be held in the garden so we had to set up a fake garden inside!

I finished The Best Me Challenge for week 3 last night and I love it! The prompt this week was to frame something that you love, something that will make you feel happy every time you see it. So I put together a little board that hangs next to the computer (because I spend waaaaaay too much time there…) that I can interchange quotes, pictures, photos, words, things to think about. Its not your typical frame, but it works for me!

I just took it outside to try and take some photos in the light as it is so dark and difficult to get a good pic inside on a dreary day. I was standing under the front porch protected by the rain in a photo-taking daydream and the door locked shut behind me. Jaron had just gone to put Oscar to bed so my options were to stand out there for 15 minutes waiting for him to come back and open the door for me or go for a run in the rain…barefoot. I grumbly choose the rain option. I started off with a very adult-like outlook, sooking about getting wet and being cold until my bare feet splashed in big, muddy puddles on the ground and I began to feel like a little child running barefoot in the rain with not a care in the world. Fun stuff! Do you remember when you were a kid and loved running in the rain? I do. If you haven’t done it in awhile make sure you do.

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