Well, tomorrow it is official…I will no longer be printing, packing or selling Make It Perfect patterns!
A few months ago we came to the point in the business where I knew it was all getting a bit big for me to do on my own, especially with baby #3 only 9 weeks away. The last 12 months have been a huge, fun learning experience. I’ve always considered myself fairly organised and on the ball, but I have really had to step up in the last little while and manage my time much more efficiently to make sure I could keep both the business and my family running smoothly and happily. We had figured out a good balance which has been working really well for us but with our new baby arriving soon I knew that something would have to give in order for me to keep sane!
When we were in Melbourne for the Australian Quilt Market we met a lovely husband and wife team, Jacques and Nel, who run a very successful sewing pattern distributorship in Melbourne. Creative Abundance distribute the patterns of around 10 well-known Australian pattern designers and have a large customer base, both in Australia and around the world. (They have a website coming soon so I’ll be sure to give you a link when it is up and running).After lots of conversations and then Jacques and Nel coming to visit with us in Tasmania a couple of months ago we had made our decision to pass on the production and selling of the patterns to them.
I’m excited! It is going to take a bit of time to get used to not having to fill orders each day, run to the post office, print and fold patterns, etc. but I’m sure I’ll find something to do with my new spare time 😉 You might even be seeing more of me around here if you’re lucky!