I’m back with the spoiled baby. How can you not spoil a baby though? He’s too cute and I’ve got to get the most of sewing using cute prints in while he’s small enough to pull them off!
And finally anything I sew for him is lasting more than a couple of months before he grows too big. I think I’ll definitley be getting a good 6 or more months out of each size now which makes it worthwhile.
I love the style of these tops, it’s all about a easy-fitting neckline and the neckline on these are great with the binding extending across one shoulder seam, fastening with snaps.

I’ve used this pattern before and I’m sure I’ll be using it again. It is from Ottobre 4/2011, Baby Basics T-shirt.

It is a lovely fabric though, nice and thick and warm. And the pants include cute little pockets that are highly impractical but extremely cute.
This pattern comes from Ottobre3/2012 Koala Velour Pants. Another “basics” wardrobe item that will become a comfy staple. This is the second time I’ve made them – first pair here.
I guess one good thing about our unpredictable weather is that ALL season clothing is needed during summer so nothing goes to waste!