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Home & Family, Ottobre

.Harvey: 4 months.

Here’s Mr Harvey. Another month older.
Reaching 4 months resulted in some bad sleeping from the boy. (Sleeping – or not sleeping – always seems to be the hot topic of conversation with babies, doesn’t it?!) We got things better in the night time, down to two feeds a night now and he is going to bed around 7:30pm at the same time as the other kids which is great but day naps have been terrible. He started cat napping for only 30-40 minutes at a time in the day. It was driving me absolutely crazy because he would wake up grumpy so obviously wasn’t ready to wake up yet but I could never get him back to sleep again. When he started being really bad, we were about to have a lot of disruptions to routine – school holidays, visitors and our trip to Sydney so I didn’t bother trying to make any changes until this week when things have been more normal for us. We’ve made some big improvements this week, I can usually rock him back to sleep when he wakes up and he will go back to sleep for another hour or so. Fingers crossed we can keep it up for the next few weeks and retrain him to have longer naps again…I know the hard yards now will be worth it in the long run! Can’t wait for the day he is having two big naps and I can start getting some work done again!

Harvey has rolled over a couple of times this week from his back to his tummy. He does it without realising though, usually when he is reaching for something but I have a feeling he is going to be on the move sooner than we want!


 And of course, he is wearing one of his little Mama-made outfits again. You can read more about this one here. I’m thinking any little nephews that are born into the family in the future are going to have a whole wardrobe of lovely clothes to wear – Harvey grows so quickly that everything I’ve made for him still looks brand new!


.Harvey models: Villikko Romper.

Time to share some more shots of Mr Harvey modelling some of the clothes I made for him while I was pregnant…

This is the Villikko Romper for Ottobre Spring 1/2013. The robot fabric comes from Spoonflower here. This suit is a lovely fit but does have the difficulty of no openings around the neckline so can be a little tricky to get on and off.

When I made the super hero version of the suit, I did anticipate the neck would be a little tight so sewed in a placket down the back with two press studs. It makes a world of difference to getting on and off!

You can read more about the robot suit here and super hero suit here.
And right on schedule Harvey has just woken for a feed so this is a super short and sweet post! Later!


.Vikings and Knee Patches.

These photos are the last of my 000 sized sewing for Harvey. He was 3 1/2 weeks old when these were taken and is 7 weeks now…such a big change in a small amount of time!

The towelling knit is lovely to wear, nice and thick and warm. Read more about the knee patch suit here.





And the viking suit – this one is my favourite fabrics. It comes in other colours too which I may just have to add to the stash for sewing later on.


I remember I was a bit disappointed after I had finished sewing this suit because it took forever and looked as though it was going to be way too wide. It actually fits really well so I breathed a big sigh of relief when he first wore it!

I also thought that fully lining it was overkill but it does make it extra snuggly and warm so I’m glad I took the time to do it. Read more about the viking suit here.

.Super Baby.

Meet my little super baby…over the last two weeks he has been sleeping beautifully at night. His last feed is around 8:30pm, then he goes to sleep about an hour later and blesses me with a big uninterrupted sleep until 3:30am. Bliss when you’re the Mama of a 5 week old.

Usually the 3:30am feed is quick, but sometimes can go on for an hour or two if he has a sore tummy. I don’t mind too much though. Harvey sleeps right next to me in his hammock so I don’t even have to get out of bed to pick him up! I’ve always been a dark and quiet night time feeder – just a low lamp, no talking, no unwrapping or nappy changing and I think it makes a big difference in getting baby to know night and day. It’s also good for me because it means I stay sleepy and relaxed and don’t feel as though I’ve missed out on too much sleep. After the 3:30am feed he’s out again until 7am – perfect!

Not all nights are that awesome, but more often than not he’s been following that basic routine and I’m making the most of it while it lasts because I’m sure that it will change eventually!


 These photos were taken of Harvey when he was just 2 weeks old. He looks so much different now – way chubbier. Makes me kind of sad that we are already saying goodbye to the super newborn stage.


 This is the little Super Hero outfit is cute as can be – find out more details about the fabric and pattern here if you are interested. This fabric from Spoonflower has faded sooo much over the last few weeks and he’s only worn it 4 or so times. Definitely something to keep in mind if you are purchasing Spoonflower knit fabric, it doesn’t look too bad in this instance but for some garments (particularly when sewing for yourself) you wouldn’t appreciate the fade as much. It is a beautiful feeling fabric though, lovely and soft, especially for baby clothing.

Any guesses what the super baby is dreaming about here? I’m thinking it has something to do with using his flying super power!
Home & Family

.Who is Harvey Charles?.

Hello blog! We’re still cruising along in new baby mode. It’s nice to have an excuse to slow down and chill out with lots of snuggles – especially when it’s cold outside.

Little Harvey Charles turned 1 month old this week. He is such a treasure, we are all smitten with his round face and chubby cheeks and soft double chin. And he is growing like a weed, still spewing terribly but obviously it isn’t affecting his ability to gain weight! This week he started giving us some cute smiles – especially first thing in the morning when the sun rises and he wakes from the night. Funny how you can’t imagine how a new baby is going to fit into the family but once they have been here for a little while you can’t imagine how the family could feel complete without them.

Remember when I hinted that his name comes from a Thomas the Tank Engine character? Well, here is his fellow train – Harvey. Harvey (the train) is described as relentlessley cheery, big-hearted and helpful. Let’s hope the name comes with the characteristics! Although the Thomas books did give us the initial idea to name him Harvey, his name does have special meaning in our family. Jaron’s great Uncle (so, Harvey’s great-great Uncle) is also named Harvey. The kids and I met Uncle Harvey and Aunty Jill when we went to New Zealand a couple of years ago. They are the sweetest couple and he is a well-loved uncle so it just seemed right that we name our baby after him.
With Uncle Harvey and Aunty Jill in December 2011

Harvey’s middle name, Charles, comes from my Grandad. Although he is hardly ever called Charles (most people know him as Chick) we loved how the names sounded together and can’t think of another greater man for him to be named after.

With Grandad and Granny in February 2012

But if you ask Tommy what his baby brother’s name is he will likely answer you with “Borris” or “George”. Seriously. 

Since he was born, Tommy decided that his name wouldn’t be Harvey at all!! I think it might have something to do with Tommy being put out of place with the arrival of the little man, this was something that he could be in control of, so we’re rolling with it to keep everyone happy!