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.Honey Cowl.

Another knitting project complete!  I wonder if I can say I’m a knitter now that I’ve finished four projects?  (Still need to blog about a couple…) 

The Honey Cowl was a freebie pattern I found on Ravelry.  I was buying some needles online and came across this Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece yarn on sale at the same store so bought a few skeins.  I’m still pretty clueless as to what yarn to use for what project, but a quick Ravelry search for the yarn helped me decide on this cowl after seeing a few other versions made up using it.
I’ve worked with this yarn before and loved it.  It’s 80% cotton/20% merino wool and super soft to wear.  I can’t stand any scratchy yarn on my skin, even just a tiny bit of scratch but this stuff is amazingly soft.  The colour is Spanish Olive.

I love cowls.  Have never been much of a scarf wearer – the long hanging ends drive me crazy and I’m always adjusting it.  Cowls are great to wear though, no moving around or getting uncomfortable, stylish too.  You’d think there would be no reason for me to be cowl wearing now that we have headed into Spring, but this week has been bitterly cold – the coldest it has felt all Winter and I’ve been wearing it every day!

The Honey Cowl was a really easy, relaxing knit.  I did most of it while we were holidaying in Queensland…a good project to work on and still maintain a conversation at the same time! I knitted the long (220 stitch & 11″ wide) version as I wanted a double loop and it is just the right length.

I love this project so much that I’ve ordered more yarn to store away and slowly work on more cowls…some for me and some to put in the present box ready for Christmas and birthdays.


.Finished Pernilla Dress!.



Check this out!  I finished the Pernilla Dress!!!

I am so proud of myself – my first real knit (knitted?) project and it worked out!  This was such a lovely knit, the MillaMia yarn is gorgeous – silky smooth and easy to work with.  I learned lots of new techniques and feel much more confident with my ability to knit something wearable.

There was one little (well, big) problem though – I was so excited to have finished the dress one night and put it on Lil the next day and it is SWIMMING on her!  Like massively huge – like she’ll be wearing it when she is 10!  Soooo disappointing, but it is totally my own fault as I didn’t bother to take any measurements and dove straight into sewing the size 4-5 years (she turns 5 in a couple of weeks so I thought it was going to be a snug fit!). I’ve since found out that you really have to go by measurements and not ages of kids when knitting.  After measuring her, I realise I should have knit a size 1-2 or 2-3 in the chest and then a 3-4 in length!  Anyway, I’m hoping that she will be able to wear it eventually and I’ve learned a very valuable and important lesson in knitting!!!

It will be cute sitting on a hanger in her cupboard for a few more years.  Maybe I’ll even try it on myself – I think it will probably fit me as a tunic!  Ha!!
Thanks to MillaMia and Suzy Hausfrau for the gorgeous pattern book and yarn – looking forward to more knits from the same!

Home & Family

.Of late.

Lots of little things going on behind the scenes here lately…
Lilsy has been asking for a mermaid costume for about a year. I had this shiny fabric last year to make her one but it took a church Disney themed activity for me to actually do it! She loooved it and it was really quick. I had enough fabric left over to make her a pair of little green leggings to wear so that her legs blended in with the tail. She was super happy!
There hasn’t been a lot of fabric that has wooed me for awhile, until Erin McMorris worked her magic again with her new line “La Dee Da” – looooove it, love her style and I even managed to make Lil a new dress over the weekend out of it.
The Pernilla Dress was blocked and finished!  It’s very cute, but there were some minor finishing set-backs…I’ll take some proper pics and share soon. Plus a bit of jumbo cross-stitch and playing with polymer clay just for fun!
We’ve had a few farm days this month – one at a friend’s beautiful farm (I call it The Secret Garden) for the Serendipity photo shoot. Gumboots were absolutely necessary after a full night and morning of heavy rain – I’m loving my gummies this winter!
Then we visited Hagley Farm School with Oscar’s class for a school excursion. So cool to be going with him to the places that I went on school excursions as a kid!
And my knitting obsession continues to grow – I’m working on a Milo vest now. Beautiful pattern, I’m about half way through and only started 2 days ago!  Knitting comes in handy as we’ve got MAJOR MasterChef fever this year.  Ben (now in the top 5!) is my buddy from school and we are cheering him along every night!  He is doing an awesome job and is as kind, loving and gracious as ever.  Can you believe we used to have muffin-making competitions in lunch breaks and free periods at school during year 12!  Fun stuff!  Go Benny – we’re so proud of you!
Our special Aunty and sister, Ashleigh came for a visit last week. She is a gem to have around and we all adore her. Check out Tommy with her and Uncle Cade below – so glad my kids have family around to love them.  I’ve been catching spare snippets of time here and there, reading Bloom by Kelle Hampton. It’s a lovely read, reminding me to stop taking all of my blessings for granted.

(P.S. I Instagram under make_it_perfect.)
Hope you’ve had a great weekend! x


.Knitting in progress.

I’ve got the knitting bug bad!  When I first decided to get knitting I didn’t know that it would consume so much of my time!  It’s definitley not a bad thing, because I am loving it, but I am well and truly addicted.

Now that I’ve had a chance to road test the MillaMia pattern and yarn, I am more smitten than I was before when I reviewed the book from MillaMia and yarn from Suzy Hausfrau.  They really are an absolute dream to work with and have knitted up beautifully.

I’ve almost finished the whole back of the Pernilla Dress and am about 1/3 of the way through the front.  I’ve been at it for just over 3 weeks now and am really pleased with my progress as I thought it would take me at least 6 months to get it done!!!

 It is very handy having Mum nearby to show me what to do when I get stuck (and unpick a few mistakes for me!). 

Hopefully the next time I blog about the dress it will be finished!  Just in time to keep Lilsy nice and warm this winter!